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Old 11-10-2010 at 12:28 AM   #1
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So 11 days ago some people showed up at our house and identified themselves as being part of JUSTENERGY ( ) we signed ( after reading but apparently not enough) some papers and now have a 5 year contract .... apparently this is a scam?

Anyone have any info at all please help
Old 11-10-2010 at 12:34 AM   #2
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Well that sucks

a lot of info can be found here

though i guess the main part of that huge article that you would like is

How To Get Out From Energy Deals

The rule of thumb for door-to-door fixed gas and electricity prices is: do not let them in your house, do not show them your gas and electricity bills, and DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING.
If you move to a new home or condo where you need to pay gas and electricity bills. You will notice these door-to-door gas and electricity providers will come knocking under different companies, but now we know most of them are the same company trying to confuse you. They know when you move and where, they can purchase that information from any major real estate agency who are more than happy to sell that information and when there are enough new home owners in the area, they will come knocking. So be prepare… Again, if you don’t understand the gas and electricity prices then don’t sign anything at your door and stay with your current gas and electricity provider, which is government regulated.
Only let them in if you know the company or they work for your current gas and electricity provider or you called the company for repair/maintenance and you were notified earlier for the reason of their visit. Remember to ask the agent that came to your house for their name, affiliation number or any documentation.
The best way to protect yourself is to educate yourself about your gas and electricity bills. Understand about the pricing and how this all work before signing any gas and electricity contract. There is no need to sign or listen to some strangers knocking on your door.
Natural Gas Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
See the past 3 years, the current price and the 3 years forecast of Natural gas click here.

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Here’s a way to get out of your Just Energy fixed-rate gas and electricity contract without penalty.
1. Call the utility (NOT Just Energy, Universal Energy or their other companies). Have them change the name on your account, preferably to a person’s name who does NOT share your last name. A friend or family member is probably your best bet. Your reason for the change could be as simple as you’re renting your home and the new name is your tenant. Changing the name on the account usually costs $30 or so.
2. Next step, do NOT tell Just Energy, Universal Energy about this name change. Now, Just Energy, Universal has your contract locking YOUR NAME into a rate, but your name no longer appears on the utility bill. You’ve just disappeared off the face of the utility world. If you don’t exist in the utility world, Universal has no hold over you.
3. Get call ID. Just Energy, Universal may call your house and try to track you down and screen calls that are of the unknown name/unknown number nature. Just let the answering machine pick up if you’re not sure. In this case, you will probably want to take your names off the machine, and leave a more generic message “You’ve reached 555-9797″ instead of “You’ve reached John and Jane Doe.” Just Energy, Universal will try and find you for about 3 months, and after 6 months, they will give up and assume that you’ve moved to an area not serviced by Universal. (In their handy contracts, it states that if you move to an area serviced by them, the contract is still binding).
4. After a sufficient time has passed (maybe 1 year or more), you can go back to using your name on your utility bill, although I would not change this until at least a year has passed, if not more.
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Here is another way to get out from your gas and electricity contract. They will not tell you this over the phone, they only want more of your money. Remember that Universal Energy is the same gas and electricity provider as Just Energy, as well as many others. Here’s a quote, “If you have been convinced to buy a product or service based on a false, misleading, or deceptive sales pitch or advertisement, the Business Practices Act gives you the right to cancel the contract.”Read more…
Here’s an article about getting out of gas and electricity contract by Read here…
Here is what you need to know about Contracting with Natural Gas Marketers and Electricity Retailers. Read here…
Here are 2 gas companies in Ontario that have good ratings at The Better Business Bureau, UNION GAS LIMITED and Hydro One. Both companies been around for about 20 years with little complaints and does not use door to door sale (none that I know of). Compare that with Just Energy with more than 960 complaints.
I will update this post from time to time. I have read enough about these gas and electricity provider fixed-rate scam. From now on I will only focus on the solutions and I will post other articles that I find helpful and post them here. Come back often and maybe next time I’ll have something new that might help.

TTHX says thanks to Yakattack for this post.

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