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Lab Timings

Old 08-18-2011 at 07:49 PM   #1
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Lab Timings
Hey for

Term 1 CHEM 1A03 my L/T is at 2:30 on Wednesday - I can switch to Friday at 8:30 or 2:30

Term 2 CHEM 1AA3 my L/T is at 2:30 on Wednesday - I can switch to Thursday at 8:30 or Friday 2:30

The only reason I would be switching is to get a lab later on in the week so should I switch and what should should I switch?

Also what does optional textbooks/readings mean? If it truly wasn't required for the course they shouldn't really include it and if it truly was needed it would be required. So does everyone buy/read optional textbooks/readings?

Old 08-18-2011 at 07:59 PM   #2
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Friday 2:30 labs SUCK. I have been forced into way more than I would care to have, and it is TERRIBLE.
Especially in first year when your midterms are on Fri evenings.

There's nothing wrong with a Wed lab. If the only reason you're switching is to be later in the week, I wouldn't recommend that. You should be capable of doing the lab on your own, without needing to talk to people who have already done it. Also, you could have labs in the second week anyways, in which case you're already near the end.

Galleria says thanks to nerual for this post.

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Old 08-18-2011 at 08:13 PM   #3
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I would keep your Wednesday labs. I tend to avoid 8:30 labs because if you accidentially sleep in, you have a problem. Friday labs at 2:30 suck because chem tests tend to be friday nights, so having to think about your lab in there is not fun. Plus, it tends to make your fridays longer, which you will hate during the year. The labs are all easy enough that you will not have to look at other peoples. If you really need help, you have people on Monday and Tuesday still, or people on the alternate week if you are in the second set.
<3 Chem and Bio Engineering 2015 <3

Galleria says thanks to KAB:) for this post.
Old 08-18-2011 at 08:18 PM   #4
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I like 2:30 Wed or 8:30 Fri labs. Don't take a 2:30 Fri lab, it sucks to end late on a Friday.

I don't know of anyone who actually did any optional readings unless they needed some extra clarification.

Galleria says thanks to inthemaking for this post.

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