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McMaster could use this!

Old 02-06-2010 at 02:56 PM   #1
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McMaster could use this!
I know that McMaster is known largely for its science programs and medical school, and I don't want to seem like a hummer-in-distress, but I do think that we could benefit from a greater and improved film program and definitely an integration of media-television studies. I know that as a theatre and film major, the majority of our courses are cross-listed with Communications (CMST), Multimedia, and English. This is great, but it just doesn't give us the competitive edge of say, Western's MIT/MPT program or Ryerson's Radio Teleivison Arts program. (before anyone blasts me with: "Then why aren't you in Toronto instead, why are you at mac, etc etc"-I did not go to either of those schools because I liked McMaster for its campus, and just in general, I love the school so much more. But the program is not as appealing as the others, I will admit. Also, I originally came to Mac as a prospective psychology major, but switched. Loved the school too much to move back to T.O!!!!!) I think it might also be a good idea to link media/television/film courses with the business school, perhaps a combined MBA/MFA program? I know that we are not known really as an entertainment developing school, but rather as the school that makes future doctors and engineers. BUT, think about it....Eugene Levy, John Candy, AND Martin Short all came from here....there's clearly something in the air on the mac campus and it needs to be acknowledged! Several films have also used the McMaster campus for set shoots and this could also be seen as an opportunity to connect Mac students with the practical elements of the entertainment business. I dunno. Maybe I'm being too lofty. I am graduating this year, but I do know that if I were in first year all over again, I would have thoroughly enjoyed some more practical film-related programs like that! Let's see more Mac alums on the big screen!

Last edited by LeannaT : 02-06-2010 at 03:04 PM.
Old 02-06-2010 at 03:33 PM   #2
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There are lot of programs that Mac is lacking.

For example, you can only minor or get a combined BA (non-Honours) in Indigenous Studies. They're not even a Department on campus. And Mac was one of the first schools in Ontario to develop Indig classes. And there is also the connection with Six Nations Polytech and the rather obvious connection to the biggest reserve (population-wise) in the province.

McMaster Combined Honours Cultural Studies & Critical Theory and Anthropology: 2008
McMaster Honours English with a minor in Indigenous Studies: 2010
Carleton University Masters of Arts in Canadian Studies: 2012 (expected)

We are people of this generation, bred in at least modest comfort, housed in universities, looking uncomfortably into the world we inherit. -- Port Huron Statement

Old 02-06-2010 at 03:34 PM   #3
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I'm doing a theatre and film minor, so I understand where you're coming from. The courses are good, but nothing compared to other schools which are renowned for their T+F programs.

From what I understand, Mcmaster's T+F courses are more about analyzing and writing about the texts rather than being involved in the production of plays and films.

If you're really gung-ho about a better theatre and film program, you perhaps should have looked at other schools - Mac is more known for its health sciences, science, engineering, and business.
Jackie Howe
B. Eng Society (Materials), Minor in Theatre & Film '11
Old 02-06-2010 at 03:42 PM   #4
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Hey Jackie,
Yeah, definitely, and like I said, I'm aware that Mac is not known for their T&F, but I entered Mac as a psych student and when I decided I wanted to switch to film, I still didn't want to leave the school. I mean, it is a fantastic undergrad experience at Mac. I just think the program is lacking a bit.
Danielle, you can't major in indigenous? I didn't know that. Another thing that sucks- you cannot minor in Communications! You can only major. Which is ridiculous because due to the crosslisting, I could have 2 minors in English AND CMST by now.
Old 02-06-2010 at 04:10 PM   #5
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I dunno, I'm still of the opinion that its better for schools to specialize instead of trying to be amazing at everything. I mean, it would be nice if Mac was a top school in every area, but that's not really practical.

Taunton likes this.
Old 02-06-2010 at 05:05 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by LeannaT View Post
Hey Jackie,
Yeah, definitely, and like I said, I'm aware that Mac is not known for their T&F, but I entered Mac as a psych student and when I decided I wanted to switch to film, I still didn't want to leave the school. I mean, it is a fantastic undergrad experience at Mac. I just think the program is lacking a bit.
Danielle, you can't major in indigenous? I didn't know that. Another thing that sucks- you cannot minor in Communications! You can only major. Which is ridiculous because due to the crosslisting, I could have 2 minors in English AND CMST by now.
Nope. No ISP major. Its' really lame and frustrating for students and staff.
McMaster Combined Honours Cultural Studies & Critical Theory and Anthropology: 2008
McMaster Honours English with a minor in Indigenous Studies: 2010
Carleton University Masters of Arts in Canadian Studies: 2012 (expected)

We are people of this generation, bred in at least modest comfort, housed in universities, looking uncomfortably into the world we inherit. -- Port Huron Statement

Old 02-06-2010 at 05:50 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by A.Marlowe View Post
I dunno, I'm still of the opinion that its better for schools to specialize instead of trying to be amazing at everything. I mean, it would be nice if Mac was a top school in every area, but that's not really practical.
I agree. I'm not a soc-sci or hummer hater at all, I just think that it makes sense for schools to be more specialized in one way or another. A master of a few as opposed to a jack-of-all-trades. I would never in a million years have considered many schools simply because they don't have the reputation for Science that McMaster or McGill has. Similarly, if I were interested in taking a degree in the Arts, I probably would look into different schools, and leave Mac out of it.
Ben Taunton
Life Science IV
McMaster University
Old 02-06-2010 at 06:11 PM   #8
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Yeah I agree with not wanting to be a "jack of all trades" school, but I feel that humanities really does get the shaft here, with regards to program funding and facilities. It's a bit unfair....have you been to TSH or CNH? The buildings are pretty much lopsided and falling apart and moldy. lol....not to mention, Queens has a film cutting room available 24 hours just for film students to edit their work. And Queens is not necessarily a "film" school.

Last edited by LeannaT : 02-06-2010 at 06:16 PM.
Old 02-11-2010 at 09:48 PM   #9
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Oh, you did not just call on

But, considering mac's got 4 major specialities - bus, sci, hthsci and eng, it's pretty hard to make a 5th one work, it can't be amazing at everything. esspecially something like film, where you need a lot of special equipment. But I agree Humanities needs work - most upper English courses are open! Still, there are amazing humanties profs here and there.

Of course, if someone made a huge donation... -cough Short and the other people I can't remember this late at night-... becuase we all KNOW the univeristy needs money...

But the three terrible towers need an overall - seriously. Look at BSB, it's old too, and you'd never know. How about instead of making Thode funky town and redoing that room in Mills, we make CNH not butt ugly? Even the tunnels, pwnage as they are, are ridiculously confusing for people who aren't there all the time.
Old 02-11-2010 at 11:07 PM   #10
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Second year kin student here... And I still get lost down there, and I probably walk through there about 5-7 times a week at LEAST.
Will Mountain
Kinesiology '12 w/ Minor in Origins Research <--- Go there. It is really really fun.
Old 02-11-2010 at 11:09 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by britb View Post
Of course, if someone made a huge donation... -cough Short and the other people I can't remember this late at night-... becuase we all KNOW the univeristy needs money...

But the three terrible towers need an overall - seriously. Look at BSB, it's old too, and you'd never know. How about instead of making Thode funky town and redoing that room in Mills, we make CNH not butt ugly? Even the tunnels, pwnage as they are, are ridiculously confusing for people who aren't there all the time.
Hilarious and true! The towers are like....nasty....whil e Thode looks like Ikea
Old 02-11-2010 at 11:16 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by LeannaT View Post
Yeah I agree with not wanting to be a "jack of all trades" school, but I feel that humanities really does get the shaft here, with regards to program funding and facilities. It's a bit unfair....have you been to TSH or CNH? The buildings are pretty much lopsided and falling apart and moldy. lol....not to mention, Queens has a film cutting room available 24 hours just for film students to edit their work. And Queens is not necessarily a "film" school.
Hey, I'm a science student and i've had most of my classes in those decrepit towers. We ALL suffer that crap...

I think it's a plus to any school to be well rounded even if they have a few focused programs. U of T is great example although they are bigger and much richer. It's tempting to dismiss completely departments in which the University does not excel in but I, for example, despite being a science student am doing my best to try and minor in Italian over the next four years(although a course conflict screwed me up this term, grrrr). I know others who feel their education is enriched by taking electives (sometimes a large number) outside their program.
Alasdair Rathbone
H. B.Sc. Kin.
Class of 2017 Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry MD Program
Old 02-11-2010 at 11:16 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Willmountain View Post
Second year kin student here... And I still get lost down there, and I probably walk through there about 5-7 times a week at LEAST.
still not as bad as IWC basement...
Alasdair Rathbone
H. B.Sc. Kin.
Class of 2017 Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry MD Program

Maegs, ytpos like this.
Old 02-12-2010 at 03:04 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by arathbon View Post
Hey, I'm a science student and i've had most of my classes in those decrepit towers. We ALL suffer that crap...

I think it's a plus to any school to be well rounded even if they have a few focused programs. U of T is great example although they are bigger and much richer. It's tempting to dismiss completely departments in which the University does not excel in but I, for example, despite being a science student am doing my best to try and minor in Italian over the next four years(although a course conflict screwed me up this term, grrrr). I know others who feel their education is enriched by taking electives (sometimes a large number) outside their program.
U of T has a huge budget compared to Mac or any other school in Ontario, so they can afford to be a jack of all trades. I agree that the buildings need work, especially the three towers....we should take some cash out of the health sci budget..
Former McMaster Student
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