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questions about some courses..

Old 06-02-2011 at 11:52 AM   #1
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questions about some courses..
hey so i was just interested in taking some of these courses as electives and was wondering if anyone outhere on MI has ever taken these, and if so can you tell me about them.
ie. the difficulty level, the interest level, and who and how the profs were

mmedia 1b03
thtr 1t03
child Ls 2Hc3
peace st 1a03

ps. if you have other easy electives in mind plz let me know thx
~ moksa - liberation from mundane existence ~

Last edited by Chevalier : 06-02-2011 at 11:56 AM.
Old 06-02-2011 at 12:44 PM   #2
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MMEDIA 1B03 was definitely one of my favorite courses last year! Definitely my favorite elective. My prof was Liss Platt, I'm not sure that there are any others, but she was FANTASTIC! Super enthusiastic, it was 3 hour night class during the winter and I still went everytime because it was never dull! It's enjoyable if you're into Photoshop and design and creativity, and even if you aren't super creative as long as you learn the Photoshop techniques and apply them properly she marks you really well

As far as the course material, you have three assignments that cover things like photomanipulation, photo collage, photo editting etc., but it's definitely beginner so if you aren't sure what you're doing you'll still be just fine . The final assignment is creating a website in Dreamweaver (again, all taught to you) based on a certain art movement or artist. There were two or three short quizzes (out of 10, open book, in the comfort of your own room, with Google at hand hahaha) and a final exam (mostly fill in the blank, MC and matching-- awesome!). She posts all of her lecture notes, as well as tutorial guidelines and how-to's.

All in all, it's easy if you put the work into it, but the amount of time it takes depends on your Photoshop skill level (I had already taken a number of courses on it in high-school, each assignment took maybe two hours, the website took about four, plus it was in a group so I only did about two!).

All in all, hiiiiighly recommended if you're interested in that sort of thing. Tried to be as detailed as possible but if you have any more questions ask away!


Bug324, Chevalier all say thanks to Lauren.xo for this post.
Old 06-02-2011 at 01:43 PM   #3
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A friend was wondering about this course as well. How proficient do you need to be with Photoshop in order to do well?
Mary Keyes CA 2013-2014
Hons. Biology and Pharmacology V
Old 06-02-2011 at 02:04 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by ~*Sara*~ View Post
A friend was wondering about this course as well. How proficient do you need to be with Photoshop in order to do well?
Hmmm, it's harder to say because everyone's so different in their learning styles and experience... In my experience, I had taken Photoshop beginner classes with my high school in Grades 10 and 11 and enjoy playing around with it in my spare time as well. I am not afraid to experiment with the program, so I had an easier time operating in Photoshop because I didn't have to ask for help as often. I also enjoy visual arts like drawing and painting, although my skill level is neither excellent nor awful . With all of this, I received an 11 in the course.

If you have never opened Photoshop in your life, but are decent with computers and can follow basic instruction, you can manage an A on the digital assignments- as long as you practice and apply yourself! Also, NEVER MISS TUTORIAL, because although the steps and guides are posted online, the T.A. will do the steps in tutorial where you can see his/her screen and follow along, giving you the opportunity to ask questions and receive hands-on assistance *while* you're learning, so you can write it down and remember for your assignments later on!

If you can't draw or paint or be visually creative, you can manage anywhere from Bs to As on the digital assignments- as long as you apply the techniques as you learned them, according to the prof's instructions. (The nice thing about it is most of them make use of magazine or Internet stock photos, so drawing is NOT at all a focus. Finding inspiration for projects is super easy too, so even creativity becomes less of an issue )

Keep in mind that with all of this, you will also have quizzes worth about 10%, attendance worth about 10%, final written exam worth about 20%, and simply writing out a rough draft of your final website project and showing the prof what colors you want to use and how you want it laid out is worth roughly 15%. Same as with any other course, you get out of it what you put into it, but it's nice to know that it's not all about the Photoshop


---I know, my answers are very long-winded, but I spend 8 hours a day now at a desk job with NO work, and nothing better to do... >.<---

Chevalier, ~*Sara*~ all say thanks to Lauren.xo for this post.

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Old 06-02-2011 at 02:49 PM   #5
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haha thx a lot laruen for the detailed info, your answers are perfect in explaining whats to be expected, and i think ill take the course, it would be nice to learn something useful in uni ( not like bio isnt useful ) but something that i can use day to day and for my other courses
~ moksa - liberation from mundane existence ~
Old 06-02-2011 at 05:12 PM   #6
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I'm also interested in Child LS 2HC3, all I know is that it's an online course. Anyone around here know more?

James CW
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York University-Masters of Social Work (2014-2015)

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