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Room mate doesn't clean her dishes.

Old 01-13-2012 at 02:32 PM   #1
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Room mate doesn't clean her dishes.
My roommate is in the habit of leaving dishes to pile up for up to a week, sometimes more. The biggest problem is, we only have ONE basin, so if thats all filled up and I want to wash MY pots or dishes, or strain boiling pasta or rice, there is no room. I have already asked her that maybe we should both keep our things out of the single sink so we can both use it at our convenience. She is not listening to me, and there is not much more I can do in terms of complaining because she is partial leaseholder with my dad :(
Old 01-13-2012 at 02:45 PM   #2
Rob Mac
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take them out of the sink and pile them on the counter either they will be out of the sink and you have to worry about them or she will realize that she has a ton of dishes not washed.

but question what does she use to eat on? Does she have that many dishes or does she use the dirty ones
Rob Mac
Math & Stats 2013

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Old 01-13-2012 at 03:33 PM   #3
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^i was gonna suggest the exact same thing. just take them out and put them somewhere else. i once had one of my roommates take out someone else's' dishes and put them on the back porch, HA :p
Old 01-13-2012 at 03:38 PM   #4
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fart in her room and threaten that there's more where that came from

Old 01-13-2012 at 03:56 PM   #5
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Stick them in a basin and put it on her bed, maybe she'll get the hint then

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Old 01-13-2012 at 03:58 PM   #6
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just move them to her room, on top of her desk or bed
Old 01-13-2012 at 04:08 PM   #7
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Pull a Homer Simpson and go skeet shooting with her dishes. Then make spaghetti for her and serve it in a glass. Then she will ask "It's nice of you to make dinner but where are the dishes?" Then you just try to act innocent and look side ways and go "uhhh"

Old 01-13-2012 at 06:10 PM   #8
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I would take them out and put them on the sink, better yet what we did last year, right in front of her room
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Old 01-13-2012 at 06:56 PM   #9
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Stick them in a basin and put it on her bed, maybe she'll get the hint then

I did this. She ended up moving out.

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Old 01-13-2012 at 07:16 PM   #10
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Here's what we did last year when one of our housemates would use up the pots and dishes and wouldn't clean them for others to use:

We gave her 3 plates and 2 sets of each cutlery and locked the rest in a cupboard.

Basically she called the cops on us because we were "harassing her" (she wants to be a lawyer, go figure). The cops came, they did some shit and were laughing about the issue the whole time.

In the end, we got to keep our locked cupboard. This, for the most part, sorted things out.

So yeah, just lock everything else and give her what you think she can manage. If she acts like a *****, let her be.

If she's even partially sane, she'll talk civilly with you and sort out the issue like a mature person.

"There's one in every house." - The cop that came to our house

Edit: We asked for the landlord's permission to do so, since it was in a common area (i.e. the kitchen).

Edit 2: so.../thread?
Afzal Najam - Honours Computer Science grad

Last edited by Afzal : 01-14-2012 at 09:55 AM.

Old 01-14-2012 at 09:59 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Afzal View Post
Here's what we did last year when one of our housemates would use up the pots and dishes and wouldn't clean them for others to use:

We gave her 3 plates and 2 sets of each cutlery and locked the rest in a cupboard.

Basically she called the cops on us because we were "harassing her" (she wants to be a lawyer, go figure). The cops came, they did some shit and were laughing about the issue the whole time.

In the end, we got to keep our locked cupboard. This, for the most part, sorted things out.

So yeah, just lock everything else and give her what you think she can manage. If she acts like a *****, let her be.

If she's even partially sane, she'll talk civilly with you and sort out the issue like a mature person.

"There's one in every house." - The cop that came to our house

Edit: We asked for the landlord's permission to do so, since it was in a common area (i.e. the kitchen).

Edit 2: so.../thread?

You left out the part where she tried to give away the communal couches on kijiji out of spite.
Jeffrey Chan
Fifth-Year Commerce

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Old 01-14-2012 at 10:01 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by JEFF_CHAN View Post
You left out the part where she tried to give away the communal couches on kijiji out of spite.
I didn't wanna give any ideas to her roommate if she's reading

Yes she put up two of the communal couches on craigslist and kijiji. She successfully gave one of them away but we bought the second one through a friend for $10 and got it back from the friend.
Afzal Najam - Honours Computer Science grad
Old 01-14-2012 at 11:40 AM   #13
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My boyfriend had a roommate who never (and I mean it literally), ever washed his dishes. As the pile grew, it moved from the kitchen to the dining room table, now rendered unusable by all the crap sitting on it. To eat, he conned various girlfriends into cooking for him. I think mommy did his laundry. At the end of the semester what did he do? Dump all the dishes in a trashbag and buy new ones.
Old 01-14-2012 at 11:54 AM   #14
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When my roommates leave dishes in the sink for way too long I just put them outside and say they were attracting bugs. Now, I'm a reasonable roommate... I don't always do my dishes either, but if they've been in the sink an unreasonable amount of time just move them the **** out. Put that shit in a plastic bag and just put it outside.

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Old 01-16-2012 at 01:26 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Shanel View Post
My boyfriend had a roommate who never (and I mean it literally), ever washed his dishes. As the pile grew, it moved from the kitchen to the dining room table, now rendered unusable by all the crap sitting on it. To eat, he conned various girlfriends into cooking for him. I think mommy did his laundry. At the end of the semester what did he do? Dump all the dishes in a trashbag and buy new ones.
scum of the earth

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