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What should I do with my noisy room mate

Old 09-26-2012 at 09:04 PM   #1
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What should I do with my noisy room mate
I live in a house near McMaster. I live in the basement and my room mate lives up in the first floor. Every morning he turns on lound speaker box to listen music or watch movie. I could feel that my ceiling shakes. Some times he does it late in the night. I did not get good sleep these days. I told the problem with him for several times, but no improvement. What should I do?
Old 09-26-2012 at 09:07 PM   #2
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If you have approached him and he does nothing then there isn't much you can do. Ask your housemates and see if they are affected too so you can collectively approach him. Should have set up house rules ahead of time. Be kind and ask him to just turn down the bass (that's probably the thing affecting you). Else just wait till you move out and find new roommates
Old 09-26-2012 at 09:07 PM   #3
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tell him about it. tell him to keep it quuiet or put in headphones. if not, complain to your landlord. if things are like this then talk to your roommates about it too since they're probably experiencing this problem too. noisy roommate should listen to you guys especially if more than 1 of you tell him at the same time. if not, call landlord.
Old 09-26-2012 at 09:12 PM   #4
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Write a letter, leave it in the box. You could cite

You could also file a bylaw complaint or even phone the police, its up to you.

I'd confront him, and if he didn't stop, move to extra-legal methods which I won't elabourate on...
Old 09-27-2012 at 08:38 AM   #5
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Steal his CD's and videos, sever his Internet connections, and blame it on the boogieman.

s2ML, taayholds like this.
Old 09-27-2012 at 08:40 AM   #6
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Call in Dexter Morgan

RyanC, s2ML like this.
Old 09-27-2012 at 10:56 AM   #7
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911: "Hello, what is your emergency?"
OP: "My roommates noisy, send your best!"
"You can't treat every situation as a life-and-death matter. Cause' you'll die a lot times"

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