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Soc Sci 2O03

Old 06-18-2015 at 02:31 PM   #1
Shivani Patel
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Soc Sci 2O03
I am trying to choose an elective for second year that has a light workload and something that is easy (can get a high mark). I've heard good things about Soc Sci 2O03 with Voros but I wanted some advice on it. How is the course and is it easy to get a high mark? The reason I am worried is since the course is 2 50% exams. I have also heard good things about Soc Sci 2P03 but Dr. Penner is teaching it this year and I heard that his reflections are hard to get a high mark on. I have heard mixed reviews of both courses which is making my choice harder. I have also heard good things about Classics 2MT3. If you can provide any insight into any of these courses or if you have any other suggestions for second year courses then that would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
Old 06-18-2015 at 04:39 PM   #2
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Penner's classes can be hard to get a high mark on reflections; the final reflection is worth 40% though so if you've figured out what he is looking for it can really bring your mark up.

It is not a bird course. 2P03 is really a Women's Studies course - being taught by a man. Something to keep in mind.

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Old 06-18-2015 at 06:26 PM   #3
Shivani Patel
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Oh okay, that's what I heard about Penner's class as well which is why I wasn't sure if I wanted to take it or not. That's why I was leaning more towards 2O03 taught by Voros because I heard that class is very easy as well but what was worrying me about that class is the 2 50% exams. I feel like that might be hard to get a high mark in depending on the difficulty of the exams.
Thanks for your advice!

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