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Tracking Group Member Performance

Old 01-08-2013 at 02:07 PM   #1
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Tracking Group Member Performance
This is for anyone into team management, or even just familiar with computer softwares.

I'm looking for a service (paid or free) that allows a team to input all its users, and for users to track those members' activities and track feedback. It should be a simple system, possibly closely integrated with e-mail? I largely want to be able to allow fellow group members to provide feedback (like the vote-up or vote-down system here on Macinsiders) on a fellow user's e-mail.

This would be used for accountability of members. I want to run a "competition" so to say, where fellow group members can say "I like this information/activity that this group member did".

Anything like this exist?
Old 01-08-2013 at 04:00 PM   #2
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i believe an ambitious group of students including two Mac engineers recently created such software for a Global Start up competition (and won!). They are called GroupNotes

Their Global Startup battle promotional video can be found here:
Biomedical and Electrical Engineering IV

jmooreit, mike_302 all say thanks to qwerty91 for this post.

Mz.Morra13 likes this.
Old 01-08-2013 at 04:16 PM   #3
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Hmmm... I was under the impression that's not the same thing. It might be better for accountability on a group project where research is King, but I'm looking for a team that runs an organization. So people might be sharing information, and members would be able to rate the e-mail within which the info is contained.
Old 01-08-2013 at 04:19 PM   #4
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Actually, this MAAAAAY be adaptable. Thanks very much for that tip I even know about that group too... It didn't occur to me though.

Any other tips/pointers would work though. I'm going to contact the team and see if they think their Group Notes would be adaptable.

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