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Old 09-15-2010 at 06:21 PM   #1
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Trying to become a TA
Hopefully I've got this in the right section. As the title says, I've been trying to look into becoming a TA. Specifically for ENG 1D04, but I can't find anything too useful on the mac website. It seems like the Arts website has a whole page for TA job postings, but I can't find anything similar on the Eng site. If anyone can help me out, that'd be great.
Old 09-15-2010 at 06:23 PM   #2
Trolling ain't easy
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A message was send out last May (or late April I think) to all engineers.

No point in applying now; all positions have long been filled.
Dillon Dixon
Software Engineering and Embedded Systems
Old 09-15-2010 at 06:26 PM   #3
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Oh, I'm not sure if i got that. Would they already have TAs for 2nd term? I know some of my courses this year only have TAs for the 1st term so far.
Old 09-15-2010 at 06:43 PM   #4
Trolling ain't easy
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Hmm, maybe not. You should try contacting Dr. Smith or Dr. Farmer (they're in charge this year). I think positions probably are still available for second semester.

Make sure to check that you have free time when the labs are though on the master timetable. They've changed up the course this year, and now students only TA labs.
Dillon Dixon
Software Engineering and Embedded Systems

Spiraster says thanks to Ownaginatios for this post.
Old 09-15-2010 at 06:45 PM   #5
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Ok I'll try that. Thanks a lot!
Old 09-15-2010 at 06:51 PM   #6
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All the current TA postings should also end up on the CUPE site at:

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