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Anthro 1B03

Anthro 1B03
Intro to Archeology
Published by lorend
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Anthro 1B03

I took course in term two of the 2004-2005 year, so unfortunately some of the information I will be providing is a wee bit outdated.

My prof was terrible. She was a PhD student/candidate/recent recipient (I don't know which one it was) from UofT. She mispronounced Knossos. She said Carbon changes into Oxygen. She screwed up the Bering Strait landbridge theory. Thankfully, she never taught here again from what I could tell.

We had a midterm, two essays, and three short tests in tutorial.
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Old 06-18-2008 at 04:49 PM   #2
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I recently took this course (2007-2008) first term.

I had Dr. Carter and he was a pretty good prof. His notes were really lengthy and detailed but if you knew them all you would not have to read the txtbook ( I didn't use it at all). The course had 2 quizzes (10%), midterm (20%), exam (30%), essay (30%) and a participation mark (10%).

The lectures were also very interesting and the prof was pretty funny during the lectures. He understood that first year is a transition year and made compensations... i.e because the final exam was extremely lengthy and many ppl felt they didn;t have enough time....he made the exam worth in total out ofless marks...
I didn't attend all his lecs either... I still managed in the A range but I read his lec notes which were pretty good. In terms of courseload..this course had a moderate course load.
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Old 06-23-2008 at 06:46 PM   #3
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Can someone please explain the material we learn in this course?

An overview of the chronology and diversity of human prehistory. Examples of archaeological evidence from around the world are used to illustrate the long-term processes of cultural history.

anything else?
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Old 06-23-2008 at 10:33 PM   #4
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When I took it, it was Ancient Civ from highschool, with a little bit of archeological analysis (ceramics mostly)
McMaster Combined Honours Cultural Studies & Critical Theory and Anthropology: 2008
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Old 07-29-2008 at 09:50 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Alvand View Post
Can someone please explain the material we learn in this course?

An overview of the chronology and diversity of human prehistory. Examples of archaeological evidence from around the world are used to illustrate the long-term processes of cultural history.

anything else?

I might still hv my notes from last year with tests etc....not too sure..will hv to look for them.
u r welcome to hv them if u want... but i might hv given them to a person already..will hv to recall..

Generally...he does lecs starting off with the origins of humans and the many species believed to hv been inbetween hom spaiens (us) and doing all the way bach to the autrolapithecus (sp) species...
The tutorials consist of famous archaeological sites and their significance covered...i.e olduvai gorge, stonehenge, chatalhoyk (spelling)..dr. carter talks alot about chatalhoyk bcz thats where most of his work is!

then u will learn about early farmers and origins of early art etc..
then moving into domestication of plans/animals etc..
and u end with a few lecs on sum early civilizations ...liek ancient egyptians..there is tonnesmore and its interesting too....
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Old 01-02-2010 at 11:57 AM   #6
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I really disliked this course. Took it in Sept. 2009.
Dr. Carter is cool but there is just wayyyyyyy too much info to go through in one term. It is such an overload that you cant even be interested in anything because he mentions it and then moves on. Wayy too many dates, sites, etc.. makes you hate the course. And studying is very frustrating... you're always asking WHAT DO I NEED TO KNOW
I do so much better in my third year tough courses than i did in this first year course.
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Old 07-23-2010 at 02:49 PM   #7
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what are 4 electives i can take that are super easy

im starting my first year in business this september
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Old 07-23-2010 at 04:33 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by dsouzajj2010 View Post
what are 4 electives i can take that are super easy

im starting my first year in business this september
Hey! Since your question isn't really related to this thread, it's easier to start a new one to get replies faster. Anyway, here's some threads that discuss easy first year electives. Just remember that what people think is 'easy' differs from person to person, so take it all with a grain of salt. :] 1 2 2
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Old 08-01-2010 at 10:40 AM   #9
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i took this class sept. 2008 and thought it was great! Dr. Carter was a really good prof, kept your attention throughout lecture. The only thing was that his lecture notes were pretty much exactly what he said in class, so they were usually quite longgg :S but i found just reading through the notes and doing the tutorial assignments thoroughly were enough prep for the midterm and exam.
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Old 06-20-2011 at 11:28 AM   #10
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I just took this course recently with Dr. Carter, and I do agree that there was way too much information covered in just one semester. The tutorials were pretty easy and the midterm and exam weren't too bad.
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Old 08-12-2011 at 12:34 PM   #11
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Does this course have a heavey work load?? i took it as an elective and I am in medical radiation classes. I really like history and thought that this was kinda like it.....but I dont want a really hard and frustrating course because i already have to take bio and kin and alot f other stuff thanks
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Old 09-08-2012 at 09:01 PM   #12
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I actually took the evening class with Dr.Cummins last year. The workload was not too bad because it was only 2 book reviews, a midterm and the final exam. The prof would sometimes go off topic during lectures and start telling stories of his life. Overall the course was interesting but I found the marking by the TAs to be a bit unfair.
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Old 09-13-2012
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