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Third year res

Old 03-03-2009 at 07:17 PM   #1
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Third year res
Hey everyone, I'm going to be in third year next year and I might live in res. I have some questions though:

- Approx how many upper years live in res?
- How does the lottery system work for upper years? Like what's the criteria in choosing who gets in for upper years?
- Is it sorta weird for a 3yr to live in res?
- Which building would you recommend for wanting to meet as many people as i can?
- What kind of room would I get? I don't really care if I get a single, double, triple, etc...but is there a room type that upper years generally get?
- If i get put into Keyes or Bates, which are VERY expensive, is there a way I can get that changed to a cheaper option?

Thanks a bunch!
Go Leafs Go (and by that, I mean tank)
Old 03-03-2009 at 07:39 PM   #2
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- about 20% of the students are upper years and that includes the CAs and IRC reps..
- I'm not sure how the lottery system works but I do know that students who have good grades or if you're involved in a bunch of things.. it says somewhere in one housing document or another how they do it. But, good grades and/or being involved will help give you priority.
- It's not weird.
- A traditional residence is best if you're looking to meet people. However, you've already got a step up in that you're looking to meet people - attitude is key!.. If you're looking to meet people, you can also always get involved with something. Try applying for faculty rep!!!
- I have no idea... but they have a lot of staff and maintenance so who really knows.. the one thing that sucks is that res is more $ and then you don't get as much of a tax return back if you live on campus versus if you lived off-campus..
- I think your room would be based on the lottery thing too and what you put down as your preference. although I think they tend to give out single rooms to upper years.
- I don't think you can change once you're placed. You could go speak to residence admissions early on or to one of the residence managers. They usually only move people around in special circumstances but you always have those options. If you get keyes or bates, you really don't want to pay that much, and they don't want to move you, there's always off-campus options.
Old 03-03-2009 at 08:06 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by temara.brown View Post
- I don't think you can change once you're placed. You could go speak to residence admissions early on or to one of the residence managers. They usually only move people around in special circumstances but you always have those options. If you get keyes or bates, you really don't want to pay that much, and they don't want to move you, there's always off-campus options.
Yeah, I was thinking of that but then I would still be stuck paying for half the $600 deposit
Old 03-03-2009 at 08:09 PM   #4
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oh yea.. ew and boourns
Old 03-03-2009 at 08:15 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
Hey everyone, I'm going to be in third year next year and I might live in res. I have some questions though:

- Approx how many upper years live in res?
- How does the lottery system work for upper years? Like what's the criteria in choosing who gets in for upper years?
- Is it sorta weird for a 3yr to live in res?
- Which building would you recommend for wanting to meet as many people as i can?
- What kind of room would I get? I don't really care if I get a single, double, triple, etc...but is there a room type that upper years generally get?
- If i get put into Keyes or Bates, which are VERY expensive, is there a way I can get that changed to a cheaper option?

Thanks a bunch!
Go Leafs Go (and by that, I mean tank)
-A bunch
-It's based on marks and lottery I think. If you have a 9.5+ you are guaranteed a spot.
-Nope, there are quite a few 4th years who live in res.
-idunnolol, with Keyes and Bates you get roomates. Also, there are many upper years in those buildings.
-Expensive because of location and all of the stuff like the staff who clean the building (including the bathrooms), maintenance staff, etc
-You choose when you apply what type of room you want. You order your preferences. Previously you could choose the specific building and floor you wanted your room in. Now however, all you choose is the room type. Suite, apartment, single, double, triple, etc.
-See above.

Also, the deadline is ocming up. You'd be put on the waiting list if you don't make it.
Old 03-03-2009 at 09:04 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
Thanks a bunch!
Go Leafs Go (and by that, I mean tank)
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Old 03-04-2009 at 04:01 PM   #7
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If you don't put Keyes or Bates down as any of your options I would suspect you're highly unlikely to be placed there. Those non-traditional residences are very popular and you are probably most likely to be placed in a single room in a traditional style residence.

I currently am in 2nd year and living in residence. I live in Whidden and I have a single room, I find it to be nice and spacious. Lots of room, all for me. The only downside for me to a residence like Whidden is the shared washrooms, but that hasn't really been much of an issue. I was worried about it at first but got over it rather quickly.

If you don't really care about sharing the washroom (like public washroom style, with an area for showing with separate, curtained individual showers) than you should base your top choices on room size. If you're not too picky than any traditional residence should be fine for you.

If you'd like more privacy in regards to washrooms than you might want to try and get Hedden or Les Prince as one of your top choices. You're not gaurenteed to get them but you can at least try. Les Prince has washrooms in the actual rooms but you have to clean it yourself. Hedden has individual private washrooms with showers, lots on every floor. There's at least 3 outside of your room, 2 with showers included, one with just a toliet and sink. I lived in Hedden first year and really liked it. The singles are a fair size there too. Les Prince is the newest, and nicest but again if you're not picky than any traditional style will due for you.

You may also want to consider where you like to eat best on campus. Since you have to purchase a meal plan and eat a lot on campus you might want to select a residence that is closet to your favourite place to eat. It can be annoying and cold in winter to go over to West quad if you like Bridges and Bistro or North Quad if you like Commons and La Piazza.

Either way in a traditional style residence you have lots of opportunity to meet people. As an upper year you won't be participating much in Welcome Week but there are lots of opportunities throughout the year to meet people and go to events with your floor/residence. That said most of the people you'd be meeting would be first years so I'm not sure how much you want to hang around students 2 years below you. If you don't really care as long as they're people than yeah, you'll have lots of opportunities to meet lots of people if you want to. For maximum people meeting ability you may want to try Brandon Hall since it has 11 floors and the most people, plus they just got new mattresses, lol.

Despite the extra expense residence has been very convinient. You can sleep in and still get to your early classes, food is close buy and already paid for and you just swipe your meal card, you have your own space to study and work etc.
-Stefanie Walsh-
4th Year Multimedia 2010-2011

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